Episode 5: Microsoft AI’s Strategy

13 June 2023

In our latest podcast episode, John Frizelle, Chief Technology Officer at  Sure Valley Ventures,  joins co-hosts Brian Kinane and  Tom Winnifrithto dive into Microsoft’s AI strategy and investment in OpenAI.

Learn more about the AI race, the innovator’s dilemma (why google didn’t realise the pot of gold they were sitting on in the Gen AI space), first mover advantage and how start-ups can make money building on this new AI layer.

The podcast also covers Sure Valley Ventures’ recent fund launches with the British Business Bank and Enterprise Ireland, why it is a great time to have the capital to invest in this space and the exciting opportunity for Pires Investments (AIM: PIRI) – an investor in our funds.

John has over 20 years’ software experience and provide hands on support to Sure Valley’s portfolio on their AI roadmap, product market fit, product management, engineering and platform strategy.

Tune in below.