
VividQ is a deep-tech software company with world-leading expertise in 3D holography. It transforms how we view, interact and connect with the world around us.


  • Founded in 2017 by an expert team from Universities of Cambridge, Oxford and St Andrews, who developed commercial implementations of 3D holographic display.
  • Diffractive holography is the only technology that enables highly realistic 3D display by preserving the full sense of depth, using off-the-shelf components.
  • VividQ’s patented technology allows for mass application of real-time holographic display in AR/VR head-mounted displays and smart glasses, automotive HUDs, and consumer electronics.
  • Revenue positive since 2018; commercial projects with leading OEMs and tier 1-2 automotive manufacturers; including top global technology blue chip companies.
  • Created an international holographic display partner network; signed partnerships with hardware manufacturers chipmakers in the UK, US and Japan.
  • Winner of the KPMG Best British Tech Pioneer 2020, Tech Tour Best Digital Company and Pitch @ Palace competitions.
  • 4 patents filed and additional 5 filings lined-up for 2020

Founders (C-suite):

Darran Milne, CEO
Aleksandra Pedraszewska, COO
Andrzej Kaczorowski, CTO
Tom Durrant, CDO